Upcoming Events

  • October 2024 Calendar

    Join me for our weekly free community classes on YouTube, special offerings on Patreon, and a very magical online workshop this month!

  • Working with The Herbwise Ancestors | Online Workshop

    Explore the powerful ways our personal, cultural, and collective herbwise ancestors bless and empower our study and practice of the green artes- herbalism, herb magic, botany, and more. Learn to connect and work with them!

  • Fire Cider Workshop | Salt Lake City, Utah

    Learn about the wild history of medicinal ciders and vinegars, meet tonic foods for winter wellness, and craft your own unique quart of cider to enjoy!

  • Nourishing Herbal Allies | Online Workshop

    Connect with plants that can help replenish, rebuild, and restore over the winter- the perfect season for nourishing work!

  • 2024 Hallows Gathering & Rituals

    Open to active grove & alumni of The Green Arte program.

    Sunday November 3, 2024
    Salt Lake City, Utah

    Please email Josh directly for event details.

  • Liminality in The Green Realm | Online Workshop

    Learn the power of in-between spaces and how they can bring magic and medicine to your plant spirit connections.