Rituals of Honoring the Herbwise Ancestors on the Plant Spirit Path
This past weekend, our local plant spirit working group along with some invited guests celebrated Hallows- honoring the thinning of the veil as we enter into the dark half of the year. The evening was really special and brought together a really lovely mix of folks from different paths and traditions. As per usual, our festivities were very much centered on working with our plant allies; folklore, herb magic, green rituals, and the like. I was able to share some aspects of Hallows (also: Samhain) that are incredibly important to my own work with the plants which was a great treat.
I wanted to share a bit about what we did to honor the turning of the season and the mysteries of this sacred sate with you in hopes that you might find some inspiration here to bring in to your own work with the plants next year.
Hallows altar complete with pumpkins and our cauldron vessel for the blessed ancestors
We began the night by talking about the meaning of the season, some of the traditional ways in which Samhuinn and Calan Gaeaf are honored in Ireland and Wales respectively, and how the turning of the season is acknowledged and aligned to in other Indo-European cultures. We Explored some of the ways in which Samhain is celebrated in many neopagan, modern druidry, and wicca traditions as a living expression of ancient paths for the here and now. From there, we ventured into the signs that the world around us gives as we near the coming dark half of the year. In most Celtic traditions there are but two seasons: summer and winter. This festival date marks the end of summer and the beginning of winter. We also looked at how this season, along with its counterpart at May Day, point to a thinning of the hedge which separates our world from the otherworld. Rather than focus so much on the usual veil-thinning chat, we looked at how the plant spirit mysteries and the pastimes of various plant-related gods and goddesses influence this thinning and opening magic.
Each attendee carved a pumpkin to act as a vessel for the many good and noble ancestors we would later invite into the ritual space. The pumpkins were carved, lit, and blessed to be a physical home for the good ancestors while they spent time with us for the evening.
Ancestors altar at a plant spirit Hallows ritual led by Josh Williams
Once the pumpkins were carved, illuminated, and blessed, we circled up with a great deal of sound from drums, bells, rattles, clapping hands, and voices to call in our noble ancestors. While we raised sound and spirits, each attendee dropped names into the cauldron to call in specific folk they would like to invite to our festivities for the evening. Some people names specific individuals they wished to call out and invite, others simply invited their good and noble ancestors who bless, protect, and guide.
Dumb supper with a seat set aside for the ancestors at the head of the table
Everyone who came brought a special food offering made from seasonal ingredients or recipes that were special to someone they love or to their family or culture. We had an incredible spread of foods representing many family traditions from Italy to Morocco and some fave dishes of folks recently passed.
Before we ate, a plate was made for our collective ancestors and placed at the head of the table where a seat was reserved just for them. We then shared in the foods brought by everyone and told stories of people who have crossed over into the great unknown.
The Green Man receiving honor before descending to the realms below with the plant spirits all
I crafted a large image of The Green Man with seasonal plants and cuttings from local trees. He presided over the events of the evening before receiving a gold coin and special requests from each attendee. As he moves from our world to the realms below with the plant spirits on their annual journey into the world of roots, he was asked to carry away some of our troubles and ills and give them a mighty death- bringing back the energy that fueled them next year for new, positive, harmonious growth. This was a really special thing for me to share with the group and I very much enjoyed making a larger Green Man than I usually do to accommodate more people.
Leaving offerings and ritual items at the graveyard
Our evening ended with deep gratitude to the ancestors as we walked through the cemetery and left offerings for the blessed dead.
This was a really special gathering for me with some incredible people who I felt so honored to get to celebrate with! Thanks much to all who came and made this a magical fete!