Connecting to the Herbwise Ancestors

As the season slowly shifts from the heat of summer into the downward-flowing energy of autumn, and as we approach Hallows, I thought it would be perfect to discuss the ways of the herbwise ancestors; who they are, why we should connect to them, and how we can work with them more actively. I also have a special online workshop announcement which I’ll share with you toward the end, and a free class you can watch on this subject right now!

In my practice, I work with the ancestors quite a bit, and have three very loose and oft-overlapping categories that help me ensure I am acknowledging and reverencing them as best I can. The three types of ancestors I work with are:

Those folks who are your near-related kin; those whose attributes can be seen in your own, whether they be physical or idiosyncratic. Blood ancestors are our immediate and near family, whether we’re related by blood or only by familial connection such as with adoption or marriage.

For people like me who live on lands which are not the same lands my near ancestors lived on, this category is crucial. Animism is about sacred reciprocity, and reciprocity demands that we always act as good guests. Honoring the ancestors of place means that we can acknowledge those people who have lived where we now live and who have been in deep connection to that place since time immemorial. By honoring them, we not only earn their kinship- we' also tend to think in ways that would make them proud about how we care for the land they so deeply love.

These ancestors are the ones who have directly held and handed off the wisdom that informs your spiritual practices right now. They are the teachers, wisdom-keepers, and storytellers who caught ancient wisdom, allowed it to adjust into relevance, and handed it to you through classes, books, workshops, mentorships, and the like.

There are countless reasons for connecting to our personal and collective ancestors- the greatest of which is that it is the right and harmonious thing to do. We are here because they were there; their existence is the fertile soil upon which we grow now. Aside from this epic reason to connect, there are some other reasons which are quite specific to those of us who walk some form of a plant spirit path be it herbalism, herb magic, botany, gardening, foraging, or even culinary arts. Let’s look at a few of them now…

  • By connecting to our herbwise ancestors we open ourselves up to receive their specific blessings and wisdom as it pertains to our work with the plants

  • Being connected to herbwise ancestors helps part the hedge and open a way for us to move between our world and the world of the plants more easily

  • These connections change the way we understand herbal lore and how various charms, recipes, monographs, and formulas were meaningful to our ancestors. It also deepens our respect and centering of bioregional plants over those which have been exploited in mass-market herbal industries.

  • A connection to our ancestors readies us to become ancestors ourselves. We value what has been handed down to us and work hard to continue that process for our next of kin.

Many methods and rituals exist for connecting powerfully to our herbwise ancestors. These rituals help attune us to the presence of our blessed dead while actively opening ourselves up to receive their guidance, blessings, and teachings in the work. For me, having these kinds of simple rituals in place is essential to the way I work with plants. Consider how the plant lore and Faery lore is so deeply connected, and how the ancestors and the person of the Faery are also so connected; it is treacherous to try and navigate the deeper mysteries of the green realm without the support of Faery and ancestor alike!

Ultimately, simply acknowledging and opening up to your own herbwise ancestors in a way that is beautiful and meaningful for you is the best place to start. That being said, there are many established techniques that are rooted in both plant and Faery lore that deserve a place of esteem in our various practices.

If you feel the value of connecting to and working with your herbwise ancestral lines, I invite you to join me for Working with the Herbwise Ancestors. This is a live online workshop which you can attend from wherever in the world you are, or access on-demand replays with your RSVP so that you can watch when it’s convenient for you. I hope to see you there!

Scroll down for two free classes you can watch right now on this fascinating and powerful subject!


The Oneiric Garden | Dreaming The Green Artes