the plant spirit path

Herbwise is my modernized translation of the Old English Wortcunning, a name for the folk who are in deep kinship with the plant allies and their spiritual guardians. For those on the herbwise path who seek to align to the magic, medicine, and mysteries of the green realm, welcome & wes hāl!

Here you’ll find a variety of classes, courses, and inspirations all rooted in our shared ancestral traditions of The Green Arte in its many expressions, in addition to my private herbal practice and apothecary in Salt Lake City, Utah.

When you join our Patreon community and help support my work there, you’ll get instant access to all past offerings plus everything new as it comes out! This includes:

  • monthly plant spirit journeys with monographs, rituals, audio meditations, and more; plant wisdom rooted in the ancient ancestral traditions of wortcunning

  • monthly advanced classes & workshops - learn the green artes anytime, anywhere

  • over 140 high-quality video classes with audio-only options

  • on-demand courses you won’t see presented anywhere else

  • book club & community chats

  • unreleased classes & presentations

  • discounts & comp access to live workshops and events

  • & so much more


spiritual herbalism

wortcunning spiritual herbalism

There are countless expressions of walking with the plants from cultures, traditions, and perspectives across time and space- but one common stream that runs through them all is a deep, personal connection to the person of the plant spirits. Walking this path means we relate to the plants as arcane spirits who are full of consciousness, wisdom, and power. Through this relationship, we work with them to call in harmony to self, community, and cosmos.

One stunning example of how our ancient forbears experienced plats can be found in the celebrated Nigon Wyrta Galdor; The Nine Herbs Charm. Here, in this writing collected over 1,000 years ago in the Lacnunga manuscript, we see that the folks of that place and time confidently approached the plants as conscious, wise, active, and responsive spirits with whom they sought kinship.

All plant spirit paths and traditions are fiercely animist in their ways- understanding and experiencing that we all live in a world full of persons, only some of those persons being human. The plants carry the deep wisdom of the beginning, and those who work with them find an initiation into the depths of nature’s mysteries.

The Green Arte is one way of working the plant spirit path that has been informed by my own ancestral plant lore from Northern & Western Europe- especially that preserved in various streams of pre-Christian nature spirituality, Heathenry, Paganism, Fairy Faith, modern Druidry, Animist Sorcery, my personal experience with the bioregional plants of where I live now, and the hard-won teachings of the plant spirits and their guardians over many years of doing this work. My wish is to share these green blessings with you so that you can bring them into your own verdant spirituality and walk the spiral plant path in your own way.

Learn The Green Artes & Ways of The Herbwise

I offer a robust selection of free classes that will take you from the first steps of wortcunning plant spirit work all the way into advanced practices and applications. If you feel called to the wild ways of the green artes, I think you’ll find what you’re looking for here!

For those who want to go even deeper, you’re invited to explore my immersive courses which provide initiatory-level wisdom, experience, and education in modern plant spirit path working.

About Your Guide

Josh Williams is a traditionally-trained clinical herbalist, occult botanist, herbal educator, author, modern wortcunner, and follower of the Old Ways. He’s been involved with the ways of the plants for over 20 years and is in full-time private herbal practice in Salt Lake City, Utah. Josh is a 2024 candidate for Registered Herbalist with the American Herbalists Guild.

Josh is the author of two books published by Aeon in London: Spiritual Herbalism and The Green Arte. He’s created over 140 free community classes on YouTube, and is a passionate teacher of the green artes.

The Green Arte is Josh’s most valued work- a living, breathing plant spirit path that is rooted in the beautiful traditions of the Old Ways while being made relevant for who, where, and when we are now.

The reweaving of what is magic and what is medicine in the realm of plant work is essential to the way Josh explores the plant path. He also centers deep, personal connection to the plants, their protectors, and our herbwise ancestors as a means to cultivate dual-citizenship in the world of human and the world of the green.

Kerry says…

Josh uses his vast knowledge of eastern and western herbalism ,mythology and history, as well as plant lore and animistic /pagan spiritual practices to create an accessible array of inspiring teachings as The Green Arte. He has provided what I believe to be missing link in current medicine ( and often even in alternative medicine) , by assisting a deep dialogue with herbal plants bridging to the spiritual dimension. I have long thought that spiritual teachers/ leaders should honor all beings in our earth to find a common language between us all and that is what Josh Williams offers us. His teachings are filled with authenticity, humility, humor and applied knowledge . From relaxing visualizations to information packed herbalist studies, he has something for all levels and all walks of life. I highly recommend The Green Arte with Josh Williams!

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